Industrial Grade Reliability
Low power sensor networks have many attractive attributes and with
appropriate care in selection can out perform traditional wired systems,
but not all wireless systems are equal.
Systems operating on a static frequency channel
are often plagued by interference and co-existence problems and point to
point topologies do not always align well with actual field requirements.
The SensiNet system has grown from years of field
experience and been optimized to deliver world class performance by utilizing the following techniques:
Frequency Diversity (Frequency hopping)
Path Diversity (Mesh Network)
Self Healing Protocol
Amplification: SensiNet is based on standard IEEE
802.15.4 radios specifcally designed to coexist with WiFi (IEEE
802.11.X) systems thus reducing a significant source of RF interference.
SensiNet is amplified to provide 30 times (15 dB)
the native transmit power of the IEEE 802.15.4 radio allowing longer
range between hops and more robust point to point communication than
systems utilizing unamplfied radios such as Zigbee.
This additonal power also reduces the effects of
physical interferance such as partitions and equipment in the field
"Shouting louder", although useful is only part
of the solution and the other attributes of SensiNet are equally
important. |